Sunday, December 16, 2007

Featured Artist for the week - Takaya

Name: Takaya
Please tell us a brief info about yourself.

-I started out from a graphic design field and managed to get some illustrating job along the way till I felt a bit bored on graphic stuff, So i turned myself in to a full blown illustrating line. Presently I got a good opportunity to join in the game industry as a concept artist in Virus-Studio Located in Bangkok Thailand.

When did you first decide to become a graphic artist / illustrator?
-Like 10 years ago when I knew back then that my math sucks and I like to draw much more.
Who or what inspires you?
-A lot of japanese comicker and Artist,ex. Utatane, the guy who draw Bastard!, Aoi nanase, ....
And still a ton of artist all over the world that I could learn from and be inspired, presently I'm looking on a lot of west illustrations, comics and Matte Painting.

Where does your training come from? Self-taught? College/Art School?
-First is myself , then highschool, then College , then from then on, I get inspiration from every artwork I see everywhere ,in Internet galleries ,while walking in department stores, while watching TV... mostly everywhere u go. Then I go back to my desk and draw, turn on your pc and draw and paint... and draw and paint. If you are lazy to go out then use the Internet to be your eyes.
How do you keep "fresh" within your industry?
- Find other things to be inspired other than the same old page of work, and don't ever think that you're so great, You're just somebody, If you saw something interesting then you should learn from it. Just keep learning.

What are some of your current projects?
- Most is in studio work which I can't shown til the game is released.
but I'm currently doing some of my friend's little challenge like you'll see in my recent gallery work.

Which of your projects are you the most proud of? And why?
- My most recent one, which I pushed myself to the limit and finally made it out. The result was quite satisfying for myself.
Are there any areas, techniques, mediums, projects in your field that you have yet to try?
- sculpting

What do you do to keep yourself motivated and avoid burn-out?
-Always try to learn something new. And you can use the saying "jealousy and greed is good"

Finish this sentence. "If I weren't an artist/illustrator I would have been a...
-Coffee addict.

and finally, What advices/tips can you give to the novice designer/ illustrator?
-Don't forget to practice over and over, don't be shy to ask, and always give the best you've got. thank you so much for the interview.

For commision works & other information, please contact him at:


wanna be a featured artist?
email me at:
with the subject: interview request

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