Sunday, December 9, 2007

Featured Artist for the week - Brian Joseph Valeza

Real Name: Brian Joseph Valeza
Please tell us a brief info about yourself.

- Well, I'm a lazy butt person who thinks of himself as an artist. hehehe. joke.
Well, I'm a concept artist in a korean gaming company based here in the Philippines and also a freelance colorist for a local comic magazine.

When did you first decide to become a graphic artist / illustrator?
- I don't really remember when but I think its when I started to realize that I can actually earn money doing what iI do best and still enjoy it.
Who or what inspires you?
- a lot of things inspire me, other artists, tv shows, cartoons/anime, movies, music, comics/manga, food, whatever that catches my attention can be my inspiration.
Where does your training come from? Self-taught? College/Art School?
- Mostly self-taught, but I've learn some stuff too back in college taking up fine arts. And also from asking and taking tips from the masters. you know who you guys are.

How do you keep "fresh" within your industry?
- simple, just watch the industry. you'll learn more by watching.
What are some of your current projects?
- Right now, me (and my officemates) are working on a proposal game for a korean client, its kinda like a side scrolling RPG. I'm doing some of the main character designs and some background, and if approved, I might do some texturing on some of the 3D models.
-I''m also doing some freelance work, doing some coloring job on a local comic magazine.

Which of your projects are you the most proud of? And why?
- Right now its probably my coloring works on MANGAHOLIX (a local comic magazine). I've always wanted to work on comics, I don't care what position I get, be it penciler, inker, colorist, letters, or even making coffee for the artist. hehehe. As long as its in the comic industry.
Are there any areas, techniques, mediums, projects in your field that you have yet to try?
- COSPLAYING. I've always wondered how its like to dress up like a super hero or something. I've always wanted to try 3D modeling and 3D animation, It looks kinda fun, looking at my officemates making 3D models and animating them amazes me.

What do you do to keep yourself motivated and avoid burn-out?
- Those people who appreciates my previous works. I've always think of them every time I'm working, to impress them even more is what motivates me. so every artwork of mine that you see is all because of them.

Finish this sentence. "If I weren't an artist/illustrator I would have been a...
- a PALEONTOLOGIST. I've been a big fan of DINOSAURS when i was young.
and finally, What advices/tips can you give to the novice designer/ illustrator?
- find good references(comics, tv, food, girls, life, etc.), study other peoples works, dont be affraid of mistakes, be a pro and always do your best, inspire and be inspired, dream, love, and draw, draw, draw then rest, while at rest try to draw, then go back to drawing and draw some more.

For commision works & other information, please contact him at:


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