Real Name: Jean-Sébastien Monzani
Please tell us a brief info about yourself.
I am a Swiss and French self-taught photographer born in 1975 who is specialized in graphic design and portrait photography. I was born in France and moved at 18 to Lausanne, Switzerland, where I live now.
Elegance, simplicity, a strong sense of composition and emotions are key elements in my work. My images are often constructed as photo-series - something between fashion photography and movie storyboards. I mainly shoot on-location, almost exclusively in Lausanne (Switzerland). I don’t shoot professional models but rather pick up regular persons that will carry the emotions I’m looking for.
This sentence of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry sums it up pretty well to me: Perfection in design is not achieved when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to remove.
When did you first decide to become a graphic artist / illustrator?
What camera do you use? What other tools do you use in creating your artworks?
I’ve used many cameras and for a long time, I have scanned and retouched my films. But when Canon’s EOS 5D came out, it suddenly appeared as the perfect camera for me. It’s still my main tool today and I quite love it. The camera is nothing without good lenses: I don’t use zooms, only fix-focal lenses (35mm f2, 50mm f1.4, 85mm f2.8 mainly). Photoshop plays an important part in my work, but I can sometimes use Illustrator, Cinema 4D, Swishmax and many other tools.
I’ve used many cameras and for a long time, I have scanned and retouched my films. But when Canon’s EOS 5D came out, it suddenly appeared as the perfect camera for me. It’s still my main tool today and I quite love it. The camera is nothing without good lenses: I don’t use zooms, only fix-focal lenses (35mm f2, 50mm f1.4, 85mm f2.8 mainly). Photoshop plays an important part in my work, but I can sometimes use Illustrator, Cinema 4D, Swishmax and many other tools.
Who or what inspires you?
I’m inspired by many things that I see everyday, often by on-line portfolios of artists and blogs. I also watch a lot of movies, and often go to the theatre. This gives the mix of illustration and narrative series that you usually see in my work.
Where does your training come from? Self-taught? College/Art School?
I’m completely self-taught, but I also own a PhD in Computer Graphics. While this has nothing to do with art and design, it gave me a better understanding of graphic tools and concepts. Actually, I’m both a technician (software engineer) and an artist.How do you keep "fresh" within your industry?
I simply try to look a lot around me and develop my own style and the same time. Some designs are “cutting edge” but too original for clients. Some others are purely decorative and lack clarity. When you work on commercial projects, you have to focus on the /functionality/ and then propose correct designs.
I simply try to look a lot around me and develop my own style and the same time. Some designs are “cutting edge” but too original for clients. Some others are purely decorative and lack clarity. When you work on commercial projects, you have to focus on the /functionality/ and then propose correct designs.
What are your current projects?
I always work on numerous projects: brochures for institutions, websites for small business, illustration for the luxury business, design of a CD for a singer… This diversity is something I love in my work. As well as the possibility to refuse jobs that I don’t like (mainly photo-sessions).
I always work on numerous projects: brochures for institutions, websites for small business, illustration for the luxury business, design of a CD for a singer… This diversity is something I love in my work. As well as the possibility to refuse jobs that I don’t like (mainly photo-sessions).
Which of your projects are you the most proud of? And why?
I’m mainly proud of my personal photo projects :) I quite like some posters I’ve done for clients and the upcoming CD design I was speaking earlier will be quite cool too.
I’m mainly proud of my personal photo projects :) I quite like some posters I’ve done for clients and the upcoming CD design I was speaking earlier will be quite cool too.
Are there any areas, techniques, mediums, projects in your field that you have yet to try?
I’ve already tried a lot of things but what I’d like to improve is simply drawing on paper. I’m not speaking of painting, shading… just drawing.
I’ve already tried a lot of things but what I’d like to improve is simply drawing on paper. I’m not speaking of painting, shading… just drawing.
What do you do to keep yourself motivated and avoid burn-out?
During the day, I try to make pauses and surf of blogs such as for a refreshing change. I also devote time to personal projects, sometimes taking a day off. If possible, one personal project each month is a good thing: this involves finding ideas, planning them and of course shooting photos.
During the day, I try to make pauses and surf of blogs such as for a refreshing change. I also devote time to personal projects, sometimes taking a day off. If possible, one personal project each month is a good thing: this involves finding ideas, planning them and of course shooting photos.
Finish this sentence. "If I weren't an artist/illustrator I would have been a...
Actor or plays director. I’ve spent some time on the stage and quite love it. Even if this life is too difficult for me :)
and finally, What advices/tips can you give to the novice designer/ illustrator?
I don’t know for other people but I’m constantly thinking of art and design: I don’t do this because I’m looking for ideas, I just happen to like it. Since I’m completely self-taught (never went to an art school), I can only make this job because I’m passionate about it. I love it.You must be devoted and passionate about your art and your work. And your art must accommodate to commercial needs to! Think of it before starting up!
(c) - reproduced with permissionI totally agree with this.
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